“Then do.” That’s the advice that Meredith Liepelt was once told by her husband Corey. This quote all stems from when she received a Christmas cactus as a gift when her grandmother passed away in 1994. The cactus never bloomed, but Meredith kept it, watered it, and even brought it with her when she moved from Virginia to Ohio. She had had the cactus for 11 years and it never bloomed once. Then the day she came home from her father’s funeral, she found the Christmas cactus in full bloom and it was May when it should have been dormant. “Quite literally, it took my breath away. Just a few days earlier, I told my dad that I would still talk to him when he was gone. His response was, ‘Ports of communication will remain open.’ I told my husband that I really wanted to believe that the blooms were a message from my dad. A message of hope, love, joy and peace. A sign that he was Ok. Better than Ok, he was finally able to make a joyful noise once again. Then I heard the two words I’m most grateful for. My husband said, ‘Then do.’ And so I do.”
Meredith owns Rich Life Marketing, a public relations and personal branding consultancy based in Dublin. Some of her clients are high-performing entrepreneurs who need to make a name for themselves and want help to do it well. Some of her clients have been featured on CNBC, Tech Crunch, Business First, Columbus CEO, 10TV, and many other local and national media outlets. Meredith is also the author of Own Your Star Power and speaks for entrepreneurial events around the U.S.
Meredith has a strong support system in her husband, her mom, her daughters, and her friends. “We all support each other, actually. I help my mom with various things and she helps us by babysitting the girls and doing fun things with them. My mom inspires me because she’s been through a lot and yet she still is positive and happy.” Meredith is also inspired by musical theatre. “I love to see shows that come through Columbus and catching a show on Broadway as often as I can. I grew up dancing and singing and have performed in many shows. My husband is also a singer so it’s no surprise that our daughters Katie and Megan are singers as well.”
Meredith is very excited about her new program called Profit From Publicity. It’s a virtual training and coaching program that incorporates the very best and most streamlined way that small business owners, coaches, and consultants can take charge of their own publicity and see results quickly. “The program is filled with everything I wish I had known when I first set out to make a name for myself and become visible to my audience.”
For more information please visit: www.RichLifeMarketing.com